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Titelbild Portraits



Here you will find individual personalities, characters, hobbies and stories. Bundled in individual galleries to perfectly immerse yourself in each person. 

Would you like to book your own photo shoot and are still looking for ideas? Feel free to ask me without obligation and we will find out together what suits you best and what we can integrate into the shooting. 

retro boudoir shooting

Retro Boudor Shooting

For me, the best thing about home shootings are always the apartments themselves. Seeing how people have decorated their home, what furniture they have - it all reflects a person so much that the first step for authentic photos is already done. Nothing is set in your own four walls - it's your memories, your pictures, your accessories. And that is exactly what makes every home shoot so special.


Jungle Beauty Shoot

Marie found me through her sister, who once booked a shoot with me, and I'm so glad that our paths crossed. She comes from Leipzig and provides great content on Instagram about fitness, sports and nutrition and has really built up a small name there. Be sure to check it outherestop by her, because she is also such a lovely personality as a person and we had a really nice day together - thank you for coming to Dresden. 

jungle beauty shoot


thunderstorm shooting Netherlands

In August I was booked for a wedding in Holland and had Anna as my second shooter to assist me. On the day we arrived, we spontaneously set off on foot again to run to the sea and after the long drive to stretch our legs and breathe fresh air. Without further ado, we simply plugged in the cameras and shot a few portraits of the two of us along the way. Unlike the wedding the next day, we had a really gloomy thunderstorm atmosphere and the wind was definitely on our side for photos. You should always step in front of the camera to be able to empathize with the customer's feelings. I like the mood in the pictures of both of us very much and therefore wanted to share them with you here. 


Rooftop Shooting Dresden

I met Klara many many years ago, did several shootings with her and I am always fascinated by how changeable she is. This time we also met as friends because she is moving away from Dresden soon. But I couldn't really put the camera down. 

surfershooting Netherlands
rooftop shooting
botanical beauty shoot
lifestyle shooting nature

Botanical Beauty Shoot

I've been in contact with Miri for a long time, but in April it finally worked out that I could go to Leipzig. I find her type incredibly great and it was incredible fun to capture her charisma and to stage something special.


Lifestyle Shooting Nature

Anna - I've been following Dora for a long time, but somehow a meeting never worked out. We spontaneously teamed up at a meet-up and the results show me once again that you don't always need a concept, but should just get started.

Classic Beauty Portraits

Lisa is actually a photographer herself, but I quickly realized that she is just as talented as a model. I mean, look at that face with those beautiful freckles, that hair and that vibe. Who wouldn't be jealous?


Homeshoot Selflove

Klara is a person with a very valuable feeling for her body. She pays attention to him and listens to his needs. It doesn't matter if she is happy with everything or sometimes doubts, everything is a part of her that we wanted to capture in this shoot. 

classic beauty portraits
homeshooting selflove
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